3 Tips toCreating a Loyal Team

Teams are either successful—or they fail. Either way, the team members can’t give specific reasons for either outcome. Have you been part of a loyal, functional team? When teams fail, they often dissolve into cliques riddled with blame or confusion. In the world of business nearly all work is done in teams. Ask anyone and they’ll […]
How To Sell Your Teammates Desires

Teammates and team building takes work. There is no question about it. One of my most successful things I have done in the network marketing industry is know my teammate’s desires. How did I learn what these were? I build relationships with those that I worked with. We openly discussed what each of us wanted […]
Organizing Memorable Experiences For Your Network Marketing Team
So you have a business and you have started to build a team. How do you motivate your team members but not manage them? In my experience, having a motivated network marketing team is all about creating ongoing memorable experiences. As Maya Angelo said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you […]
Ways to Celebrate Your Success and Your Team’s Success
Let’s take a few minutes to celebrate some of the things you have done in your business. As a general rule, I don’t believe we celebrate enough. Let’s celebrate together. Please take 2-3 minutes and jot down on a piece of paper the things you have done this week. It is Thursday, you have had […]
3 Most important Steps in Managing Your Team
Whether you are new to network marketing or are a seasoned builder, there are usually a few things most people could do better in building and managing their teams. Let me start with this question. Is the thought of managing a team keeping you from building one? Here are some excellent ideas, from one of […]
Have A System For Your Personal and Team’s Most Important Actions
Life is busy. I am sure no one will disagree with this. In this busy life you have to have system in place for identifying which actions to do first. Then once you have mastered the process, you should teach the teams you lead how to do these things as well. […]
Help Your Team Discover Their Why
Help! The number one question I get… …when I help leaders build their direct sales and network marketing teams is “How can I help my team more?” Normally it is not a matter of technical skill that needs to be taught. That might surprise you, as the number one question your team is asking you is […]
Here’s Some Viral Inspiration
The latest viral video can be more than just a good laugh or share. It can be the inspiration you need to keep pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. Here are a few that may inspire you. The American Ninja T-Rex. American Ninja is a popular reality television obstacle course for the insanely fit. One contestant did […]
Sharing in Success
Have you ever seen success that deserved to be shared with a full team and only one or two people get the pat on the back? This seems so overly normal, that sometimes I bet it doesn’t even come across as wrong to us anymore. I’ve recently been planning a […]
The Power In Recognition
It’s a known fact that people are starved for recognition and in many cases will work harder for recognition than money. Most work at a job that is unfulfilling, for a boss that does not appreciate them; for pay that is far less than they believe they are worth. Ring any bells? So, knowing that, leader’s acknowledge […]