Basloe Group

Have A Look At Yourself

Have A Look At Yourself

Do you foster or embody these key leadership factors? Stay Positive. Be positive and generate positive energy in working with downlines. Downlines look up to you so you are important when it comes to motivating them. Do not carry personal stress and feelings to work. Nobody else knows why and what you are experiencing. Accomplish […]

Clarity Is Power

It’s difficult to read through scratched lenses.  You can’t see the stars through a cloudy telescope.   You can’t achieve your goals without clarity. Most people believe clarity comes from defining your goals and it starts there; however, true clarity comes when you articulate your purpose for achieving your goals. Have you ever gone to […]

Why Accountability Works

Why Accountability Works

Accountability Works. This begs the question, “Do you have projects that you committed to get done but they seem to drag on for months?” Most of us do. We all do this at one time or another.                                      […]

What Did You Learn From Your 90 Day Plan?

Last week I asked you how your Quarter One for 2018 went and to review your results thus far. Review your 90 day plan. If you haven’t done this yet, please review this last blog HERE and do that now. The reason I wanted you to do this review is because in the next 12 weeks […]

Measuring Your Network Marketing Results: How was Q1 2018? 

It is Q1 and time flies when you are having fun! So can productivity and results if you are not measuring them.  What did you do in Q1 of 2018? In my experience as a network marketing leader, when you ask people what they did in their business last week or three weeks ago or […]

Accountability In Network Marketing – Make A Plan of Action

Accountability In Network Marketing – Make A Plan of Action

This is it! The time where you are truly going to step into your greatness, be accountable and build your network marketing business. Then the week happens and you find yourself discouraged because you did nothing. What was missing? Accountability. Being accountable to someone else means you must be vulnerable, honest, integrity-filled and open to […]

Team? Are Your Network Marketing Distributors MIA?

Team? Are Your Network Marketing Distributors MIA?

What do you do when one or more than one or a whole team of people in your network marketing downline fall off the face of the earth? Really they didn’t fall off the face of the earth, they just quit working.   Know this – this is part of the process. Building a networking […]

Set Your Goals for 1st Quarter 2018

Set Your Goals for 1st Quarter 2018

It is a new beginning. Have you set your goals? You have a new year in front of you, ok, well most of it. As we are days into the year, I am wondering if you have thought about your 1st quarter goals yet? When asked to goal set, most people can rattle off their […]

3 Ways To Review Your Year – Part I

In December of every year, I recommend that you schedule some quiet time to review how the year went. There are a few thoughts on how you can do this. What is most important in this process is to review why it is important to look back at how you spent your time and what […]

What to Measure for Business Success

Last week I asked if you were serious about your business and talked to you about setting SMART goals. This week I am going to talk to you about measuring.                               Let’s look at your business like a cake recipe. You […]